Conference Roundup

Intraoperative medications offer benefits during pandemic

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As the COVID-19 pandemic continues to disrupt care throughout the country, ophthalmologists may benefit from utilizing intraoperative medications, according to a presentation by Cathleen McCabe, MD at the Women in Ophthalmology 2020 Summer Symposium.

Medications provided after surgery are typically not ideal for a number of reasons, including cost, inconvenience, poor patient adherences, incorrect use, potential side effects, and ocular surface toxicity.

 When COVID-19 is factored in, Dr McCabe said, more considerations are needed when deciding on the best care.

Intraoperative medications limit the number of time patients need to touch their fact, provide less cost and coverage issues for patients, and provide assurance that treatment is followed, regardless of circumstances.

“We want to assure that patients are being properly treated in their postoperative period of time especially when we don’t know if there could be a sudden interruption in their access to medical care,” said Dr McCabe.

Another consideration in favor of intraoperative medications, is limiting how much patients rely on family members or caregivers to put in drops.

McCabe C, et al. Intraoperative medications: Increasing drop independence in the time of COVID. Presented at: Women in Ophthalmology 2020 Summer Symposium

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