
Long-term data demonstrates sustained response with teprotumumab for TED

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Long-term clinical trial follow-up data showed a sustained response up to 1 year following treatment for thyroid eye disease (TED) with Tepezza (teprotumumab-trbw; Horizon Therapeutics plc), according to new data presented at the Academy of Managed Care Pharmacy (AMCP) Nexus 2020 Virtual Meeting.

At week 24 of the clinical trials, Tepezza showed clinically significant improvements in proptosis, diplopia, and clinical activity score (CAS). Patients were followed for an additional 51 weeks after their last infusions, for a total study period of 72 weeks. All patients (n = 37) included had improvement in at least 1 of the study outcomes from baseline. Improvement in CAS, decrease in proptosis, and improvement of at least 1 grade from baseline diplopia were reported in 97%, 86%, and 70%, respectively. A total of 70% of participants had had disease inactivation.

“These findings indicate this medication can provide relief at least a year after the last dose, including improvements in proptosis and diplopia, which are especially difficult symptoms to manage,” said Roger A. Dailey, MD, FACS, trial investigator and professor of ophthalmology at Oregon Health & Science University’s Casey Eye Institute, in a company press release.

Read the full press release here.

Douglas RS, et al. Assessing long-term response to teprotumumab in thyroid eye disease. Presented at: AMCP Nexus 2020 Virtual Meeting.

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